Nov 4, 2009

Asta La Vista Bebeh!

Ok, as you all reads this I'm no longer in KL, I'm already in the bus heading to Melaka or Port Dickson. Yeah, it sounds kinda silly when I don't even know where the hell I going but who cares, as long I'm on VACATION..hahaha :)

Asta La Vista is a complementary program for all final year student of BM223 (refer here). I mean other courses don't have such program and if we don't follow this program, we WILL NOT PASS/, aite? No la, its just a vacation, i mean you're on holiday..don't you LOVES holiday? Well I do! (^_^)v

This is the tentative of the program. Tengok cam takde la pack sangat kan. Tema dinner BBQ ialah Youth & Vibrant, apa aku perlu pakai baju kaler pelangi ker ape ni weh? hahaha :p

Ok la, doakan aku selamat pergi dan balik, dan juga dapat mengenjoykan diri mentang-mentang dah viva tapi lupa diri tak ingat dunia sebab final report belum siap lagi..hahaha :)


maiza said...

lama x update
jauh perjalanan

so bila nak update nti kenalah panjang2 gak sejauh perjalanan kamu

mai said...

ni theme die ke?
cun lah...

Unknown said...

mai: hahaha, jangan nanti aku dah update ko tak larat nak baca plak mai.. :p

atul: tema terlampau cun sampai aku tak tau nak pakai apa,boley? hehehe :)